Wednesday 14 December 2011

Truth behind global Potash demand...

The prices of Potash has been continuously increasing.  For the year 2012, the prices have cross beyond $500 per metric ton.  Despite this, supply is way behind demand especially from India and China.  But do we realize that more than 70% of Potash dumped in the soil is not absorbed by plants?  This is because more than 70% of the Potash is in an insoluble form and hence not available to the plant.  In other words, for every $500 spent on Potash about $350 goes waste in the soil.  Apart from being not useful to the plants, this continuous leaching of Potash spoils the soil and ground water.

A good Potash mobilizing bacteria like Potaz from Varsha Bioscience and Technology can make this remaining 70% of insoluble Potash available to the plants.  Just imagine the cost savings for the farmers.  This will reduce the demand for Potash thereby reducing the market price of Potash as well.  Food prices will decrease and so will food inflation.  Not many people realize this.

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