Monday, 21 November 2011

At the Bio Malaysia 2011 Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Reached the conference venue KLCC and completed the pre-registration activity.  Looking forward to the next couple of days and hope to make a lot of new acquaintances.  Will our products become popular in Malaysia? Will know in a few days from now...

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Expanding footprint of bio fertilizer/pesticides in Tamilnadu...

Was surprised to know that there are a vast majority of farmers who take pride is calling themselves as "Bio Farmers" in Tamilnadu.  This is what we realized during the inaguration of Varsha Bioscience's Tamilnadu dealership and a conference of all the dealers across Tamilnadu held in Trichy last month.  There was participation from officials of the Tamilnadu Agriculture department in Trichy and leading personalities in the Agribiotech industry.

In addition there was a training on Varsha Bioscience's products to all the field staff of the Tamilnadu dealership.  Several gray areas were clarified to the field executives.  We also learned areas where we could improve our product portfolio.

Overall there was excellent response to the products of Varsha Bioscience and Technology.

See the news report from the event below...

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Why Urea is a bad idea?

Urea is the most common recourse to satisfy the Nitrogen needs of crops.  This is ironic since atmosphere has 78% Nitrogen and still we go for artificial way of providing this nutrient to crops!

Production of Urea needs hydrocarbons which are limited in supply and hence the price keeps rising.  In addition they pollute the atmosphere.  Hence this artificial way of supplying Nitrogen to crops is not sustainable in the long run.  Especially with the human population already reaching the 7 billion mark resulting in an ever increasing need for food from a continuously decreasing tract of arable land available.

One of the proven ways to overcome this is to use organic nitrogen fertilizers which makes the abundant Nitrogen in the atmosphere available to the crops.  Nitromax is one such wonder product which greatly reduces the cost of fertilizers and at the same time increases crop yield compared to using Urea.

First big step towards a earth and human friendly agriculture...

Varsha Bioscience and Technology Pvt. Ltd. commenced operations this year in a brand new facility in the outskirts of Hyderabad, India with a capacity of several thousand metric tons of bio fertilizer/pesticide.  Even though this a just a fraction of the capacity of chemical fertilizers/pesticides of the large fertilizer companies, for a bio fertilizer/pesticide company this is one of the biggest.  What with more and more farmers in India taking pride in being "organic" farmers, we will have to continuously augment this capacity.  Refer to to understand the range of earth and human friendly agricultual biotech products that we produce.